[NTLK] "QuickView" docsets

Jake Bordens jake at allaboutjake.com
Sun Feb 12 16:21:57 EST 2017

Does anyone know how to view/convert “QuickView” docsets?

My hope would be able to convert it to a format that Dash or another docset viewer would be able to view.

The other alternative is to try and convert the NewtonScript PDFs into HTML and then into a Docset, but I was hoping that QuickView could be somehow converted.

I can’t even find a quickview viewer for Mac Classic, so I’m guessing these .qv files are useless.  Just figured I’d ask if anyone had any experience with them.  While I’d like to have The NewtonScript Rreferences in a more cross referenced and searchable format, I don’t thin PDF->HTML->Docset is going to be an easy path.


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