[NTLK] Einstein/NCX serial communication test versions as binary release.

Matthias Melcher mm at matthiasm.com
Fri Feb 17 02:11:21 EST 2017

Einstein can now emulate the external serial port of the Newton on Mac OS X. It can directly connect NCX on the same machine. 

It has been a lot of reverse engineering and a lot of fun. So, if you like to try this out, here is a binary release of the corresponding Mac OS X apps:


Feedback would be nice. Let me know what works and what doesn't, which ROM/RAM/Flash configuration you are using and which machine is emulated. Preferable by eMail to eep noise down: einstein at matthiasm.com .

One thing I know already: it is still pretty slow. The screenshot function takes a looong time (>1 minute), but there is also a lot of things that can be optimized. Oh, and the screenshot function works only with the original screen size.

 - Matthias

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