[NTLK] Restarting Newton development?!

Matthias Melcher m.melcher at robowerk.de
Mon Jul 30 15:37:41 EDT 2018

> On Jul 28, 2018, at 07:11, B Dudney <kosmicdollop at saber.net> wrote:
> Noah Leon wrote:
>> I wonder what the legal entanglements are.
> Indeed, That is one of if not THE question! (Quoth Hamlet sort of)
> We might need a billionaire sugar daddy to pay Apple et. al. for the rights.

Ooops, I am sorry, but I think I did not explain enough what I meant with rewriting NewtonOS.

NewtonOS runs fine on the Einstein emulator, but it is slow and needs the ROMs wrapped into an app. My idea was to write something line Wine (https://www.winehq.org) or ReactOS (http://reactos.org). They are both simulators (emulators take the ROM and interpret whatever they find, simulators are a new piece of software, that behaves to the outside as if it was the original - or at least close enough)

ReactOS and Wine have obviously found a way, and their possible "opponent" is Microsoft, who has similarly deep pockets as Apple.

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