[NTLK] Einstein on iPad VIDEO and HELP needed on Apple Developer Signing

Rufus Kohn rufuskohn at gmail.com
Tue May 7 16:01:53 EDT 2019

How slim is the chance Einstein will end up in the app store and play

Op di 7 mei 2019 18:06 schreef Mark Kuberski <berskyboy at gmail.com>:

> I put this short YouTube video together to show how delighted I am with
> Einstein on iPad.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEo9hD3475Q&t=10s
> But.... I have had to re-create the Einstein twice already, as my (Free)
> developer signing expires every 6 days.  Does anyone else have this
> problem?  If I purchased the annual Apple license will I be able to sign
> the App for longer?  Any thoughts?
> Mark
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