[NTLK] Local Newton User Groups and Local Meetings around the World - WWNA & WWNC

Forrest newton_phoenix at mindspring.com
Mon May 13 04:51:45 EDT 2019

Well said, Sylvain.

Jeff’s ideas are intriguing, but after I read his post I heaved a sigh.

I’m all for meeting up as he has suggested...but checking Pawel’s map right now, the nearest Newton users to me are in Los Angeles, San Diego and Las Vegas. Any of these is a minimum of 300 miles away, so a 3- to 5-hour one-way drive and its associated overnight stay would be involved. Of these, Southern California would be the best choice (also the farthest), as there are 5 other users listed there.

In a different world and circumstances, we would all be independently wealthy and have lots of free time to go wherever, whenever we chose.

Sadly, this is not such a place.

I really wanted to attend the recent screening of Noah’s film at the Computer Museum; but time constraints with family and employment made that not possible.

I don’t wish to be negative; I would very much like such meetings to happen. I just don’t see how it could, at least right now. Even if I could, how many others could have a free enough schedule to join me?

It’s not even the cost of the travel as much as it is the lack of free time.

I recall when Noah was making his film, we had several email conversations about the difficult logistics involved with visiting Newton users around the US, yet alone the world.

This is why I say that other Newton users here are close friends I will never meet; I’ve come to that realization and am (mostly) okay with it.



Sent from my T-Mobile iPhone 6S Plus

> On May 12, 2019, at 9:53 PM, Sylvain Pilet <sylvain at pilet.net> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Following Jeff Sheldon's reflection in his response to the thread about Frank Grendel…
> There are still some Newton user groups, the best known in the United States is the Stanford Newton User Group (SNUG) which still organizes meetings, some of whose members are on this list. But what about the other user groups that were active a few years ago? 
> Interesting your idea of local influencers, to meet users over a drink (or a cup) to discuss Newton. Here in France, a few years ago I organized a few small meetings in Paris, at that time we had Paul Guyot coming to our meetings, it was obviously a considerable asset to motivate users to come! 
> I don't know what it is in your respective countries, but here in France, almost all Newton users stopped using their Newton when they bought an iPad unfortunately. As we all know here, the use is different between a Newton and an iPad, but that's another debate. 
> Just look at the map of Newton users that Pawel has put in place:
> http://applenewton.co.uk/worldwide-apple-newton-users-map/
> To realize that the current number of users (who have registered on this map) is far too small. Here in France, only 5 of us are registered on this map, whereas some time ago there were more than a hundred of us, some of whom were very active. 
> Despite this, personally I am always ready to discuss Newton with other users, only distance is a factor to be taken into consideration. Especially since I left Paris, where it was easy to bring users from all over France (because in France, all transport is oriented towards Paris).
> Moreover, I take this opportunity to inform French users that there has been a French mailing list for many years, this list is called "La liste de diffusion Newton-FR" and you can subscribe by sending an email to newtonfr-request at ml.free.fr with the word "subscribe" in the subject of the email. (More information at this address: http://ngfun.free.fr/newtonfr/ )
> Organizing a meeting, even for a very small number, requires a little time from the organizer, and it is sometimes difficult to find a place and time that suits the greatest number. Even if today there are many sites that allow you to organize meetings (Meetup, Doodle...). The main thing to do at the moment is to know how manHi everyone,
> Following Jeff Sheldon's reflection in his response to the thread about Frank Grendel…
> There are still some Newton user groups, the best known in the United States is the Stanford Newton User Group (SNUG) which still organizes meetings, some of whose members are on this list. But what about the other user groups that were active a few years ago? 
> Interesting your idea of local influencers, to meet users over a drink (or a cup) to discuss Newton. Here in France, a few years ago I organized a few small meetings in Paris, at that time we had Paul Guyot coming to our meetings, it was obviously a considerable asset to motivate users to come! 
> I don't know what it is in your respective countries, but here in France, almost all Newton users stopped using their Newton when they bought an iPad unfortunately. As we all know here, the use is different between a Newton and an iPad, but that's another debate. 
> Just look at the map of Newton users that Pawel has put in place:
> http://applenewton.co.uk/worldwide-apple-newton-users-map/
> To realize that the current number of users (who have registered on this map) is far too small. Here in France, only 5 of us are registered on this map, whereas some time ago there were more than a hundred of us, some of whom were very active. 
> Despite this, personally I am always ready to discuss Newton with other users, only distance is a factor to be taken into consideration. Especially since I left Paris, where it was easy to bring users from all over France (because in France, all transport is oriented towards Paris).
> Moreover, I take this opportunity to inform French users that there has been a French mailing list for many years, this list is called "La liste de diffusion Newton-FR" and you can subscribe by sending an email to newtonfr-request at ml.free.fr with the word "subscribe" in the subject of the email. (More information at this address: http://ngfun.free.fr/newtonfr/ )
> Organizing a meeting, even for a very small number, requires a little time from the organizer, and it is sometimes difficult to find a place and time that suits the greatest number. Even if today there are many sites that allow you to organize meetings (Meetup, Doodle...). The main thing to do at the moment is to know how many Newton users are present in our respective regions. 
> So I invite all those who have not yet done so, to make themselves known here (or on the FR list for the French if the English does not suit them) so that Pawel can contact you and add you to the world map of Newton users (those who want to remain anonymous, you can use a Speudo, and be a little vague about where you live). 
> It's even better if you send your name and location directly to Pawel at this address: 
> newton(arobase)indigi.co.uk 
> (replace the term (arobase) by the character that is fine!)
> There was a time (until 2009) there was the WWNA (Worldwide Newton Association) which brought together Newton Users and developers. As a reminder, the founding members were Larry Yaeger, Walter Smith, Paul Guyot, Adam Tow. Ronnie Simon was the president, and John Sculley as his honorary president. Be the biggest names in the Newton Universe!
> Before trying to organize a next WWNC (Worldwide Newton Conference), it might be a good idea to revive the WWNA, or something equivalent, what do you think? Because it will be difficult to organize something if we don't have a framework to manage this Conference, either financially or just organizationally…
> - - - - -
> [French]
> Salut tous,
> Suite à la réflexion de Jeff Sheldon dans sa réponse au fils de discussion à propos de Frank Gründel…
> Il existe encore quelques groupes d'utilisateurs Newton, le plus connu aux États-Unis est celui du SNUG (Stanford Newton User Group) qui organise encore des réunions, dont certains membres sont inscrits sur cette liste. Mais qu'en est-il des autres groupes d'utilisateurs qui étaient actifs il y a quelques années ? 
> Intéressante l'idée de Jeff d'influenceurs locaux, pour rencontrer des utilisateurs autour d'un verre (ou d'une tasse) pour discuter de Newton. Ici en France, il y a quelques années j'ai organisé quelques réunions sur Paris, nous avions à cette époque Paul Guyot qui venait à nos réunions, c'était évidement un atout considérable pour motiver les utilisateurs de venir! 
> Je ne sais pas ce qu'il en est dans vos pays respectifs, mais ici en France, pratiquement tous les utilisateurs Newton ont arrêté d'utiliser leur Newton quand ils ont fait l’acquisition d'un iPad malheureusement. Nous le savons tous ici, l'usage est différent entre un Newton et un iPad, mais c'est un autre débat. 
> Il y a qu'à regarder la carte des utilisateurs de Newton que Pawel a mis en place:
> http://applenewton.co.uk/worldwide-apple-newton-users-map/
> Pour ce rendre compte que le nombre d'utilisateurs actuel (qui se sont inscrit sur cette carte) est bien trop maigre. Pour que des réunions régulières soient organisées partout dans le monde. Ici en France, nous ne sommes que 5 à être enregistrés sur cette carte, alors qu'il y a quelques temps nous étions plus d'une centaine dont certains étaient très actifs. 
> Malgré cela, personnellement, je suis toujours prêt à discuter de Newton avec d'autres utilisateurs, seul la distance est un facteur à prendre en compte. Surtout depuis que j'ai quitter Paris, où il était facile de faire venir les utilisateurs de toute la France (car en France, tout les transports sont orientés sur Paris).
> D'ailleurs, je profite de ce message pour informer les utilisateurs Français qu'il existe une liste de discussion Française depuis de nombreuses années, cette liste se nomme "La liste de diffusion Newton-FR" et vous pouvez vous inscrire en envoyant un mail à l'adresse newtonfr-request at ml.free.fr avec le mot "subscribe" dans le sujet du mail. (Pour plus d'information allez à cette adresse : http://ngfun.free.fr/newtonfr/ )
> Organiser une réunion, même à très petit nombre, demande un peu de temps à l'organisateur, et il est parfois difficile de trouver un lieu et une heure qui conviennent au plus grand nombre. Même si aujourd'hui il existe de nombreux sites qui permettent d'organiser des réunions (Meetup, Doodle…). La principale chose à faire pour le moment, est de savoir combien d'utilisateurs Newton sont présents dans nos régions respectives. 
> Aussi j'invite tous ceux qui ne l'aurait pas encore fait, à se faire connaître ici (où sur la liste FR pour les Français si l'Anglais ne leurs conviennent pas) afin que Pawel prenne contact avec vous et vous ajoute à la carte mondial des utilisateurs de Newton (ceux qui veulent garder l'anonymat, vous pouvez utiliser un Speudo, et être un peu vague sur votre lieux de résidence). 
> C'est encore mieux si vous envoyez directement votre nom et votre localisation à Pawel à cette adresse : 
> newton(arobase)indigi.co.uk 
> (remplacer le terme (arobase) par le caractère qui va bien!)
> Il fut un temps (jusqu'en 2009) il existait la WWNA (Worldwide Newton Association) qui regroupait des utilisateurs et des développeurs Newton. Qui pour mémoire, avait pour membres fondateurs :  Larry Yaeger, Walter Smith, Paul Guyot, Adam Tow. Ronnie Simon en  était le président, et John Sculley était president à titre honoraire. Soit les plus grand noms de l’Univers Newton !
> Avant d'essayer d'organiser une prochaine WWNC (Worldwide Newton Conference), il serait peut-être bien, de faire renaître la WWNA, ou quelque chose d’équivalent, qu'en pensez-vous ? Parce qu'il sera difficile d'organiser quelque chose si nous n'avons pas un cadre pour gérer cette conférence, que ce soit financièrement où juste organisationnelle…
> - - - - -
> Sylvain Pilet
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