[NTLK] Starting up NewtonScript programming

Matthias Melcher m.melcher at robowerk.de
Wed Apr 1 22:03:15 EDT 2020

I just put a Linux command line version online. 


Besides the path to the Newton ROM, you now have a new option:




gives you the default settings that connect to BasiliskII/NTK on the same Linux machine (Basilisk is not available yet). This is also the default connection.


connects to a server named ernie using the default port


connects to bert on port 1234


connects on the local host, but uses port 1503, and finally


disables the serial port driver.

> On Mar 31, 2020, at 23:05, Matthias Melcher <m.melcher at robowerk.de> wrote:
> So what's new?
> A new release of Einstein on macOS is on my site. It's 2020.2 and it fixes a lot of connection issues to NTK/Basilisk.

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