[NTLK] [FS] Various Newton Cases, Carriers, etc.

Grant Hutchinson grant at splorp.com
Mon Feb 3 14:57:13 EST 2020

Hello list!

I have started going through my piles of Newton-related goodies and found a number of items ready for new homes.

This first batch consists of cases for various Newton devices, with a couple of other oddballs thrown into the mix.



Descriptions & Pricing:


Prices are in USD and do not include postage.

I’m happy to ship from Canada to anywhere in the world, but keep in mind that postage may be higher for some items due to their size. If you’re interested in multiple items, we can chat about a bundle deal.

Please contact me off list if you’re interested.

grant _at_ splorp _dot_ com



Grant Hutchinson
NewtonTalk List Dad & Web Custodian

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