[NTLK] ROM for Einstein

Pawel Piotrowski newton at indigi.co.uk
Wed Mar 17 13:33:11 PDT 2021

> On 17 Mar 2021, at 06:10, Marisa Giancarla via NewtonTalk <newtontalk at newtontalk.net> wrote:
> Do people think my requiring the screen shot is no longer needed? I just set that up 5 years or so ago to try and stay legit. I would have no problem with just making it available if you think it would be OK...

Hi Marisa,

I guess that in some way you do refer to my email. Can you explain how to make and deliver a Newton photo to you causes ROM file downloading more legit? I’m asking because I do not know something or I do not understand something. I will be grateful for brightening this issue.


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