[NTLK] What do you consider essential packages for eMate?

Vladislav Korotnev vladkorotnev at gmail.com
Thu Mar 18 16:58:21 PDT 2021

Speaking of ebay gambles, this reminds me how I went to buy my first
Newton, that was an eMate, from some guy in Canada.

Few years later I learned about the hinge problem, went ahead to
disassemble it and what do you know — it's already been fixed! And
that wasn't even mentioned in the listing, they were just putting up a
bunch of emates with adapters for sale.

I wonder if that guy might be on the list with us? If so, thank you
very much for your help! :-)

// Ak.R.

iOS/Mac/Windows & Web developer
Vaporwave/ambient producer, sound/video engineer

Genjitsu Gadget Lab Member 001

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