[NTLK] Messagepad 2100 Rechargeable Batteries

Alan Grassia alan.grassia at gmail.com
Sat Mar 27 07:26:07 PDT 2021

Hello Dan and Newton Friends,

No worries at all sir. SoftCharge sounded like a cool utility so I wanted to learn more about it. I completely agree you did state what the package is and does.

MP 2000
MP 2100

Sent from my Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max

> On Mar 27, 2021, at 12:53 AM, Dan <dan at dbdigitalweb.com> wrote:
> Ah sorry about that, I should have given a link when I first mentioned it, or at the very least mentioned it was on UNNA.  Although, I did mention what is/did.
> -Dan
>> On 3/26/2021 5:46 PM, Alan Grassia wrote:
>> Hello Newton Friends,
>> Not knowing what Nick's Soft Charge / SoftCharge utility is, I went looking for it.  I found it on one of the United Newton Network Archives (UNNA) servers.  Here's a direct link to the download:
>> http://mirrors.unna.org/numeroso.spb.ru/newton/unsorted/softcharge.zip
>> Cheers,
>> Alan
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