[NTLK] Know the Competition: Tandy Z-PDA

Doctor Clu doctorclu at gmail.com
Mon May 3 15:42:29 PDT 2021

Interestingly enough, I dated a girl who had a Zoomer.   She saw my Newton and that were her pickup line “I got a device like that one”.

Was a fun time.   I have a Zoomer I picked up later.   I remember it had one game I liked to play on it when I hung around her, but it was a little sluggish (compared to the Newton 110 I had.)

Doc Clu

> On Apr 9, 2021, at 11:44 AM, Christoph <newtonhonk at posteo.de> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I just got a Tandy Z-PDA, also known as Zoomer. It came out in 1993, so it was a direct competitor for our beloved Newton.
> The device is based on GEOS and apparently runs DOS 3 as a substructure.
> Interestingly, some software is from Pilot Computing, who later developed the Palm PDA. 
> The device is terribly slow and you realize what a great performance Apple already delivered with Newton OS 1. 
> Attached are a few pictures:
> https://newtonhonk.de/download/zoomer1.jpeg <https://newtonhonk.de/download/zoomer1.jpeg>
> https://newtonhonk.de/download/zoomer2.jpeg <https://newtonhonk.de/download/zoomer2.jpeg>
> Cheers Christoph
> www.newtonhonk.de
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