[NTLK] Converting Newton audio notes to Packages?

Mark Kuberski berskyboy at gmail.com
Sun Oct 16 10:45:24 PDT 2022


I have been reading Bible into my Newton as Newton Audio Notes.  I’m saving them to a Flash Drive as I record each chapter.  I then sync and back it up via NCU on System 9.2 which appends the Flash Card (works quite nice)


Is there a program that would allow me to take those Newton Audio Files and covert them to Packages?

I know I can take AIFF files on the Mac and covert them to packages, but wanted to know if anyone has done Newton Note to Newton Packages and if it was possible.

Failing that is there a way to “Lock” the Flash Card ? It’s a Compact Flash 256MB that slides into a Likiwell PCMCIA adapter.


PS, if I could ever get these audio files into a shareable format and I’d anyone want to listen to the Bible Read in their Apple Newton I would gladly share them.

Sent from my iPhone

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