[NTLK] Audio Notes KJV/RSV Bible Available

Aaron Rogers arog73 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 28 14:50:28 PST 2023

Wow - what an incredible project! I’m sure your son is thankful for your efforts but I, for one, am also thankful!!!

I’d love to be provided access to your Dropbox folder so that I could download everything you’ve mentioned…and…if you have Zelle/Venmo/Cash App etc…maybe I could give you a little something?

My email: arog73 at gmail.com


Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 28, 2023, at 12:59, Mark Kuberski <berskyboy at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have read into my Newton MessagePad 2100 the entire Bible (KJV and RSV) for my 12 year old son.  I was using the “Message” Bible App on Newton and simply recording new Audio Notes for each Bible chapter.  
> I have them stored in my dropbox but wanted to know if anyone wanted these files AND if they could moved to UNNA or another spot, if there was interest in having them available.
> These are files to install into a 128MB or 256MB Flash Files on Physical Newton via PCMCIA Cards (each around 100mb each)
> Bible-Law.sit
> Bible-History.sit
> Bible-Poetry.sit
> Bible-Prophsey.sit
> Bible-NT.sit
> It’s also available for the Einstein via .sit files or .pccard
> 01Bible(Genesis).sit 
> - 
> 19Bible(Revelations).sit
> OR
> 01Bible(Genesis).pccard  (each 33MB/each)
> ….
> 19Bible(Revelations).pccard
> There are 43 files in total.   
> Thanks,
> Mark
> PS, it occurred to me that there might also be other audio/books that other people may have created that could be added to this list.
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