[NTLK] Beaming Packages? NCX to 1.x devices?

Dennis Swaney romad at mac.com
Sat Oct 21 15:24:25 PDT 2023

From in the 2100 Newton Users Manual, Appendix C,  Pages 252 & 253

Newton 2.1 OS to Newton 2.0 OS Feature compatibility 


Faxes Yes

Icons (application packages) Yes

Name Cards
m Person Yes 
m Company Yes 
m Group Yes

Owner Cards Yes
 Worksite Cards Yes
 Beam My Card Yes 
Calls Yes Meetings Yes 
To Do Tasks Yes 
Checklists and Outlines Yes 
Notes Yes


Faxes Yes Calls Yes 
Icons (application packages) Yes 
Name Cards Yes Meetings Yes 
To Do Tasks Yes

Storage cards

Interchangeability Yes

Newton 2.1 OS to an earlier Newton 1.x OS 

Faxes No
Icons (application packages) No

Name Cards
m Person
m Company
m Group No

Owner Cards Yes Worksite Cards No Beam My Card No Calls No

To Do Tasks
Checklists and Outlines Notes


Yes (no 2.0 info)

Yes (no 2.0 info)

Yes (converted to note with tabs)

Yes (ink text converted to sketch with some formatting loss)

Yes (no 2.0 info, no ink text) Yes (no 2.0 info, no ink text)

Faxes No 

Calls No 

Icons (application packages) No

Name Cards Meetings
To Do Tasks

Storage cards

Interchangeability No

Yes (no 2.0 info, no ink text) Yes (no 2.0 info)
Yes (no 2.0 info) 

Dennis B. Swaney

Cogito Ergo Mac

> On 21Oct23, at 14:58 , Dan <dan at dbdigitalweb.com> wrote:
> On 10/21/2023 5:12 PM, Patrick Ketelaar via NewtonTalk wrote:
>> Can you beam packages from 2.x to 1.x? I can’t seem to do so successfully. 
>> Or better yet, is anyone successful at loading packages over serial to 1.x devices from NCX 3? I can’t get them to talk. I think the baud rate is too high (set to 38400) but I can’t lower it for 1.x devices. I’ve followed the directions, select Newton 1, select the package, then connect from the newton, but nothing. 
>> Any ideas?
> It has been a while but I seem to recall I did beam packages several between a 2100 and a 130.  BUT one thing to be certain of is the package is for a 1.x device.  Also, don't put them too close either, a little distance sometimes make a huge difference.  Another tip is in prefs to put both devices on auto receive beaming.  But don't leave it that way long term as it tends to drain the battery as the Newt will check for beams on a regular basis if on automatic even if asleep.
> As for NCX I never used that I can't say, but there is a package to give you different (slower) baud rates on the Newton, I forget what it is called off the top of my head though.  I am sure others with a lot of Mac experience can advise you better, but I don't think 38400 is too high in general with a Mac etc.  Windows tended to be more fussy but even then I used to connect to 56k speeds (inside a Windows 98 emulation) with good reliability.
> -Dan
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