[NTLK] Forms package for Newton OS?

Alexander Shendi (Web.DE) Alexander.Shendi at web.de
Wed Oct 25 07:10:59 PDT 2023

Hi list, 

I'm looking for a forms package to make a frontend/GUI to display a simple database (based on a CSV file with less than 10 fields per record (line)). One field would contain a moderate amount of text (up to 1024 chars). The other fields would be small text or integers.

Here are the first two lines of the CSV:

111284111333421467,Silvester zum Knast, at eibart@zirk.us,2023-10-23 11:32 UTC,,was nein doch\054 schockschwere Not\054 sie kollaboriert mit 1 Million�r\054 lol:\r\nhttps://www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1177207.sahra-wagenknecht-millionaer-ralph-suikat-engagiert-fuer-umverteilung.html\rn\r\r\n#wagenknecht\r\n\r\nes ist nicht nachhaltig\054 die Reichen zu besteuern\054 nachhaltig ist nur ihre Enteignung\r\n\r\n#DontTaxTheRichExpropriateThem\r\n#sustainability

Is there such a thing? Or must I build the GUI myself (using NewtonScript)?

Many thanks in advance and have a nice day.


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