[NTLK] Something interesting: LTT on youtube did a review/talk of the Newton

Vladislav Korotnev vladkorotnev at gmail.com
Tue Sep 5 16:20:07 PDT 2023

Yup, wanted to bring this in here too but I forgot :-)

Expecting accuracy from LTT is like wanting a soap opera to show real
life-like situations imo :-)
At least they didn't drop it or break it.

Completely glossing over the Assist was a huge miss out too.

On Wed, Sep 6, 2023 at 3:30 AM Dan <dan at dbdigitalweb.com> wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> Something interesting crossed my feeds today, LTT a tech channel on
> youtube I have sometimes watched in the past came out with a video on the
> Newton and comparing it to the iPhone.  What I found most surprising is
> they didn't do much research at all (or enough before making the video).
> Such as saying removing the batteries would kill the data even though they
> just mentioned a second before there was FLASH RAM lol.  Even more humorous
> they said "battery backed FLASH ram".  Um, there is no such thing.  If it
> is FLASH it is not dependent on battery, that is the whole point of FLASH.
> Battery backed RAM on the other hand does go POOF without power.  The other
> funny thing is they actually HIGHLIGHT that it has a super capacitor on
> screen then continue to talk as if it had a battery that maintained the
> memory and it wouldn't likely still have a charge "So don't open the
> battery bank unless it is plugged into the wall.."  What? lol
> Also right below what they highlighted ON SCREEN from the manual actually
> says: If you leave it without power for over an hour, you might have to
> reset the clock and calendar information. (aka date).  Really seems funny
> to me they are contradicting what they just highlighted in the manual.  The
> one guy even says "the internal battery, if there ever was one is
> completely dead".  Again another example of they have no real idea what
> they are talking about and they have a tech show.
> To be fair, other information is accurate but the aspect of the memory and
> batteries is one huge glaring mistake I would think anyone researching
> would find out in few minutes.
> Regardless, it is a humorous on several levels.  The reactions and eye
> rolling makes it worth watching once.  I will say they did put some
> corrections towards the end, but it could have been better.  But still,
> after this, I will have a hard time trusting what they display as
> "accurate" in their tech analysis.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_e_zW8EXoY
> -Dan
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// Ak.R.

iOS/Mac/Windows & Web developer
Vaporwave/ambient producer, sound/video engineer

Genjitsu Gadget Lab Member 001

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