[NTLK] Cnet: Why Apple's Newton Flopped

Marisa Giancarla fstltna at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 15 20:31:34 PDT 2024

I deal with the same thing all the time at https://msbob.org. It gets 
called a "toy" interface for kids despite that only a couple games exist 
in it and I have never seen a "kid" that needed a checkbook/personal 
finance business database app, which it comes bundled with.


On 4/15/24 20:16, Dan wrote:
> On 4/15/2024 3:40 PM, Matthias Melcher wrote:
>>> On 14. Apr 2024, at 17:29, Scott Mugan <scott at digitalwavelabs.com> wrote:
>>> What a vapid, snarky, clueless twat
>> Reminded me a little bit of those videos where the put 14 year olds in front of a Windows 95 machine. It's all for clicks and LOLs.
> I actually thought the same thing, clueless kid (and she is far from a kid) in front of old tech but wanted to see if anyone else saw the same thing.  Surprising, but then again as others have said, cnet is a shell of their former selves.
> -Dan
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