> From: "Lucas Mak" <lucasmak@hotmail.com>
> Hi, I am a new user of Newton. Recently I read a few message on the problem
> of 10061. Could any body tell me what is the problem of it. And I have seen
> a extension somewhere which was call 061fix, I don't know if it is related?
Yes they are related. The "famous" -10061 problem only arises in "expanded"
machines (eMate or 2000 with upgrade and 2100) and was a problem that the
original developers never expected (forgot how it exactly works, maybe one
of our technically inclined, I'm more the practical type ;-) and never got
to fix in an upgrade as well (Steve pulled the plug on the Newton before
they could) but quite a few developers stepped in and made freeware fixes.
Two of the most known are Avi Drissmann (?) and SysPatch from Richard Li (?)
(the last works automatic and very well, you might just want to change the
frequency in something like 10000 ms/pkg)
Robert Benschop
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