William Hills wrote:
> After doing a backup and restore. My Newton presents me with a -48200
> error message ever time I re-boot it. Can anyone tell me what this
> means and what I should do about it. Thanks....Bill
>From the Newton Programmer Reference, -48200 is "Expected a frame,
array, or binary object". Can you provide us with more details? Like, is
the Newton activating packages when this happens? If so, can you check
the name of the package being activated when the error occurs? You can
also try to reboot without activating packages. Remove all cards, then
press the Reset button. Immediately after pressing the Reset button,
hold the pen about half way on the screen, from about 1/2 inch from the
left side. Hold the pen until a dialog ask you if you want to activate
packages on the internal store. Tap "No". See if that helps. If so, then
it means you have a package that try to load something, but fail. If you
can let the packages activate, you will which one was activating when
the error occurs. Re-boot without activating, then remove the offending
package. Try to reboot normally. If the problem goes away, you might
want to try to re-install the faulty package and see what happens.
Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Object Factory, Substrate Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266 mailto:Laurent_Daudelin@fanniemae.com
Fax: 703-833-7555 Usual disclaimers apply
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