On Tuesday, November 30, 1999 6:41 PM, Janis Shetley
[SMTP:jshetley@stlnet.com] wrote:
> Yes - the notes in Names are synched. I have some very extensive notes, and
> they all came in. I try to add new notes to the Newton, then sync w
> Outlook.
Much thanks. Your response prompted me to download the product and read
the documentation -- which, in all fairness, I should have done in the
first place!
Anyway, I have another question. The documentation says that Lookout
links names in outlook and the newton with a unique id. Outlink appears
to use the combination of first and last name as the unique key. Does
this mean that if you change the name of something on, say, the Newton,
that during sync a new name is created in Outlook with the revised name,
but Outlook keeps a contact with the older version of the name? For
example, if there were a synced entry for James Pelton, which on the
Newton I later changed to Jim Pelton, what do you get in Outlook?
Entries for both James Pelton and Jim Pelton?
Also, the documentation says that if you alter a synced email address on
the newton, the change doesn't migrate to Outlook, due to a bug in
Outlook. Have you experienced this? The documentation appears to be
referring to Outlink 105b1 and Outlook 97.
james pelton
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