NTLK TON Prizes galore

From: ThisOlNewt@aol.com
Date: Thu Dec 02 1999 - 08:30:42 EST

Ok not galore but in conjunction with our birthday some real nice folks who
still support Newton Products have donated prizes for our trivia web
hunt...there are a few more days left in our first round. The winner recieves
Pocket Money by Catamount!

So stop on by.

we have been finding a few glitches in our new design and welcome input from
readers. But come and check it out!!! We will be running the cntest through
the month. And the voting for best New Newton Product will start next week to
be announced for the New Year.....

Keep the Green™
This Old Newt
The Online Newton Monthly,
Home of the NewtonWebRing, Interviews, Used Price Guide, FAQ, and the Largest
set of active Newton links!
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