On 12/2/99 1:45 AM, ken [mailto:slave1@cyberway.com.sg] wrote:
>Hi all,
>its great to be back in the newton camp!!! However, I've got a problem.
>The NCU disks that I've gotten are the beta ones, and I cant seem to be able
>to download the proper ones from Apples
>I unstuff it with Aladdin Stuffit Expander 5.13, but it sends out an error
>message (-108), telling me that the shrinkwrap engine has an error..
>This is kind of a bummer, seeing as how I've spent the whole night
>downloading all these great programmes.. D
Try the following:
1) "Get Info" on the Expander app icon and increase the RAM allocation of
Stuffit Expander at least 300K or so (more if you can) . I think that's
a stack/heap collision problem that started occuring along about MacOS
8.1 or 8.5 (I forget exactly where) due to an increase in the amount of
stack needed by apps. Some apps failed due to the change and were fixed
by the above procedure.
2) Upgrade to the latest version of Stuffit Expander (you don't have the
latest version). It's free on Aladdin's web site (www.aladdinsys.com).
Latest is 5.5.
- Bill Davis
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