I'm NZ based - Enfour will ship this far (ex the US site), so doubt you'll have any
problems! :-) - Mind you, service was - to say the least- slow and somewhat <ahem>
> >From: Matthew Ball [mailto:maxmail@hotmail.com]
> >Sent: Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 1999 14:28
> >To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com
> >Subject: NTLK serial leads
> >Does anyone have an suggestions where I can either buy a new lead, or can
> >buy a suitable plug that fits the newton, so i can make up my own lead.
> (I'm
> >in the UK)
> Here's the response I got a few weeks ago when I checked with Enfour about
> the cable advertized on their site. Don't know if they ship
> internationally. I ended up finding my spare cable though and didn't order
> one of these and so I can't vouch for their service or quality.
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