Re: NTLK Other - Apple Logo

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Tue Dec 07 1999 - 00:13:48 EST

On 12/6/99 3:41 PM, Leland Jory [] wrote:

>For anyone interested, a neat use of those little Apple logos is as a tie
>pin. Just go to your neighborhood craft store, pick up a little package of
>tie pin blanks (i.e. just the pin/chain part), pry out one of those little
>logos and stick it to the pin blank. The adhesive on the logo is strong
>enough to hold it on the pin without falling off.

Actually, Apple sells (or at least used to) the logos as lapel pins,
which work fine for tie-tacks too. I've got a couple of different Apple
logo pins. (I've also got several very tiny combadge/insignia pins in
various styles from Star Trek that make great tie-tacks and lapel pins.
Good for double-takes from Trek fans!)

>I work as a service tech in a Wintel service shop, so it's my little bit of
>open rebellion :{)>

I work in a Windows and OpenVMS OS shop and have used mine the same way.
Even better is the gold Cross pen with the Apple logo on the clip into
which I've put a PDA stylus insert. I _always_ have that with me (it
writes better than the Newton 2100's built-in stylus).

Keep the Green! (and yellow and orange red and purple and blue....)

 - Bill Davis

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