It would be great to see a fuller implementation of SIMCITY on the Newt
(hell if it can be done on a Palm!). However, in the process lets not
forget that not all of the Newton community are running MP2Ks. In fact, I
am sure that the majority of us are still using MP130s or even earlier
models. Even taking that into account, however, I am sure that the
graphics of Remotetown could be improved and enhanced.
Stephen Beesley
"Darl Singh" <> on 07/12/99 14:27:06
Please respond to
cc: (bcc: Stephen Beesley/NNTT/AU)
Subject: Re: NTLK SIMCITY Classic for Newton?
Hiya Thomas: _really_ appreciate the idea of input into this...
Some of the changes that I would like to
> implement are as follows:
> 1: A 130 version with 1 bit graphics, all other features would be the
> 2: Program will minimize into the star menu
> 3: Longer game play, 22 years is to short
> 4: More cash when you start the game.
> 5: A 'Place' button so you do not have to try to do a double tap.
> 6: English instructions and tips.
My thoughts:
A 'full screen 2k version - with better graphics (so I can see the
difference between
houses and railroads.... :-)
All yr other suggestions make perfect sense....partic. points 3 to 6.
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