NTLK Cell phone connectivity

From: Harri Hohteri (harri.hohteri@hvk.inet.fi)
Date: Wed Dec 08 1999 - 16:39:39 EST

While reading alt.cellular.nokia I saw a message with link to program for
Psion 5. This program is to connect your cell phone and sync it with your
PDA. Here's the link to check out: http://www.sgsoftware.co.uk/
I looked for similiar product for newton and found these two (look to the
end) which are very limited in comparation to the above. I know also that
such thing exist as gnokii found at www.gnokii.org which is a project to
make linux understand Nokia cell phones. Their source is public. So this
could be very usefull project to somebody to look at if it could be ported
to Newton. Personally I know very little of NewtonScript (I have the
Programming for Newton book and gone almost thru that) but I'd be very
interested to help out.
The easier way would be like in those programs in the end to support first
this Cellular Data Card (because they simply based AT -commands) then to add
support for Nokia's own protocols and others.

SMSNOKIA 0.2 - only for Newton OS 2.0 or higher. SMSNOKIA is designed for
the NOKIA Cellular Data Card (DTP-2) and the NOKIA Cellular Phone 2110.
SMSNOKIA sends Short Messages form a Cellular Phone to another Cellular
Phone. SMSNOKIA is now also able to read all new messages out of the phones
memory into the Notepad.

SMS Mailer 1.0 - for Newton is a new package for Newton 2.0 devices,
designed to work in conjunction with the Nokia 2110 family of GSM phones
through the Nokia Cellular Datacard DTP-2. The program allows the user to
compose and send SMS messages to the screen of the receiver's GSM phone. The
application works like the "while you were out" popular notes, allowing easy
composing of messages. Also, the destination list stores the last used
numbers, and work integrated with the "names" info to select the receiver or
receivers. Can manage group messages and multi-destination messages.

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