Here's the short summary:
NCU and NTK will NOT work over IR links. That feature was begun but never
finished by the Newton developers.
Two program options do exist:
1) EETransfer, a shareware program from Easter Eggs, gives a full terminal
emulator which works over IrDA (among other things).
2) Sloup, a fairly complex programming tool from Steve Weyer, also can
connect over IrDA.
Both of these programs can connect to a desktop terminal emulator (like
AppleWorks, SitComm, or Black Knight). You can then transfer files back and
forth via X, Y, or Zmodem. I've transferred text files, gifs, and jpegs
(also sound recordings, but no way to decode them).
This technique works on a Bondi Blue iMac, a Powerbook 2400 or 3400 (I
think), and all G3 Powerbooks. On the Newton side, it works with a
Messagepad 2000 or 2100, or an eMate.
I have tried for a Windows solution, but the Windows IR driver does not seem
to work. It uses IrCOMM, which is too high level for the Newton IR stack
(I'm guessing).
Bill M.
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