Gotcha. Thanks Laurent. Now I've got to go build a city. A lot of catching
up to do as I'm way behind schedule. ;-p
Kenny Song
Penang, Malaysia
> From: (NewtonTalk)
> Reply-To: <>
> Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 00:05:58 -0500
> To: <>
> Subject: newtontalk V1 #183
> You first start a game by tapping "New". Then, if you want the game to
> automatically advance to the next month, you tap the little button to the
> right
> of "New". The icon will change for a small square, representing "Stop". The
> next
> button to this one is to move one month forward manually.
> To build something, tap once on a tile on the map. It will show you what is
> already on this tile. If you tap again on the same tile, whatever is on it
> will
> be replaced by what is selected in your "Construction Menu", proven you have
> enough fund.
> --
> -Laurent.
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