Re: NTLK Newton PC cable

From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Wed Dec 15 1999 - 21:25:28 EST

On Wed, 15 Dec 1999, Gruendel, Frank 3837 PPE-WT wrote:

> >> Im switching to a windows98 laptop. Is there anything special I
> >> should be worried about with my BELOVED MP2K?
> >You're switching from a Mac? I think you will need a new cable - not
> >sure if the dongles work interchangeably with Macs and PCs ...?
> Don't waste your time trying to use a Mac modem cable. These beasts fit
> physically, but the wiring is wrong.

Or you can use a Mac serial cable and a null modem adapter. This is a
little box that goes on the 25pin side of the modem cable and changes the
wiring for you. I used this a few times when I left my cable at one
location and happened to have these things lying around.

-----Victor Rehorst - |
--------President, Computer Science Club of the University of Guelph--------
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