I finally was able to connect to freewwweb.com with the help of fellow list
member Howard Moftich.
In my internet set up I used my user name as "destowe". I then set my
password. I then filled in the name server ip address (
and the domain: smartworld.net. I then filled out a login script:
Send ¶ (that EOL carriage return thingy)
Wait for login: (I omitted the first letter in 'login')
Send destowe@freewwweb.com (my signup name)
Send ¶ (that EOL carriage return thingy)
Wait for password: (I omitted the first letter in 'password')
Send Password
Send ¶ (that EOL carriage return thingy)
In my Eudora settings, the account info is as follows:
Email Address destowe@freewwweb.com
POP3 Username destowe
POP3 Host pop3.freewwweb.com
SMTP Host smtp.freewwweb.com
At 1:33 AM -0400 12/19/99, Donald E. Stowe wrote:
>I have been trying to connect with freewwweb.com using Eudora. The Newton
>130 is able to go thru the login script but then it hangs on "establishing
>network connection". After a few moments I get a dialog box that says:
>Problem connecting . Can't establish a link. Negotiations failed."
>My login script is:
>Send ¶
>Wait for login:
>Send destowe@freewwweb.com
>Wait for Password:
>Send Password
>Send ¶
>I was able to figure out the login script by dialing in on my Mac Com
>Center Terminal Window.
>Can anyone help me?
Donald E. Stowe (Don)
Retired HS. Chemistry Teacher
Click here to email me ---> mailto:destowe@pipeline.com or my new email
address-----> mailto:destowe@freewwweb.com
Visit my web site at---> http://www.geocities.com/destowe/
or http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Rapids/8192/
Sent via Eudora 3.1 on a Mac 840av
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