>I have tried unsuccessfully for two weeks to unsubscribe from the user group
>message boards. Unfortunately my need to answer one question has turned into
>a flood of emails I must delete every day. What can be done to unsubscribe
>Hint: I am using AOL on a PC platform.
Sorry about that. Some people jump the gun about those things. I have
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Take care. I hope you don't give up your newton even if you've given up on the
-- Myq Larson / Stable Isotope Analysis \ myq@cc.usu.edu
.'.'.'.'.' \ Utah State University / 435.787.0844 (h)
Knowledge / 5305 Old Main Hill \ 435.797.0060 (w)
Liberates \ Logan UT 84322-5305 / 435.797.1575 (f)
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