Re: NTLK How you handle attachments?

From: Jeremy Bond Shepherd (
Date: Thu Dec 23 1999 - 01:45:30 EST

At 12:50 AM -0500 12/23/99, NewtonTalk wrote:
> Word sometimes has trouble with the .bmp RTF documents, but WordPAD
>seems to open them just fine. Odd.

Roger that. I'll try WordPad instead.

> As for the
>body/attachment thing, I'm aware that it's annoying, but at the time that I
>wrote X-Port, there was no standard mailer interface, so I would have had to
>target each mailer app separately, assuming they had attachment APIs at

Roger. Makes sense. Hmmm... I just had a thought. One might be able
to manually insert a MIME header into the text to make mailers treat
the RTF as an attachment instead of message body.... mebbe I'll try
it tonight and see if I can get it to work...


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