NTLK Want to make NCU work over IR?

From: Bill Moser (guillermo1967@hotmail.com)
Date: Thu Dec 23 1999 - 03:38:38 EST

In response to yet another IrDA query...I don't think you have to make
Appletalk run over the Newton's IR tool to get NCU to dock wirelessly.

Here's what I know. The Mac OS 9 IR tools enable a Palm III to Hotsynch over
IR, and those same tools allow the IR port on an iMac or Powerbook to be
treated as just another serial port. If the Palm Hotsync software's
installed, "Infrared Port" and "Internal Modem" show up as connect options
in NCU's preferences.

I tried tonight (yet again) to get NCU to work over IR...no luck. I know
that NCU is activating the iMac's IR port (the Newton reports "looking for
sender" when placed near it), and I know that if I select "IrDA" in the Dock
application, then the Newton activates its IR port (my Palm III shows a
"looking for sender" message when placed nearby). So the hardware's active
on both sides. The software just won't talk to each other.

I think the only thing keeping this from working is the way NCU initializes
the Mac's IrDA Tool. If it binds properly to the tool, the connection should
work. What I don't know is the "class" setting on either side. (It may be
"Docker", but that doesn't seem to work.)

If anyone has a program that can decipher the Newton's IR transmissions when
it's trying to dock, this could be very easy. A simple Palm OS or Mac
program could do it. After that, I think all that's needed is a ResEdit hack
& away we go.

Any Palm or Mac programmer up to it?

Bill M.
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