Re: NTLK Can directly synch to Palm Desktop 2.5?

From: Leland Jory (
Date: Fri Dec 24 1999 - 09:20:14 EST

> Paul, sounds to me like a first (until now everybody on a Mac just did a
> transfer of one soup at the time and renamed them so that they could be
> recognized by Palm Desktop) but did you actually get a sync going this way
> and if so, what was the new name that you gave the Intellilink extension ?

Actually, there have been a few postings over the last few months about this
(I know 'cause some of them were mine).

It's not an extension in the Intellilink folder, it's the "Claris Organizer
2.0" template file. You can name it whatever you want to. Simply sync to
this file with NCU, then open the file in PD.

Leland Jory

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