Hello. I have been wanting a Rotoring type combo pen for the longest time.
My wife bought one for me this Christmas, and I really like how the Stylus
works!! I like the pen over all even. BUt I am really, REALLY wanting a
laser pointer out the back end or something.
I know this is asking a lot. But it is really important to me. Currently I
am carrying 3 pens/pen type devices in my front pocket, including: a black
pen, a red pen, and a laser pointer. During a dress up day at school, one of
the students dressed up as me?!?! And in their front shirt pocket was 10
pens! I know they were just exagerating, but if ever I wanted a combo pen,
since about 2 months ago, I have REALLY wanted one.
Aside from that, what are some of the best options out there? Currently I
have the 4 Combo pen from Lizell with Black, Highlighter, Pencil and Stylus.
Thanks for any recommendations!
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