Re: NTLK Can't Backup

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Mon Dec 27 1999 - 11:08:53 EST

Ben Okulski wrote:

> I can't back up my Messagepad 2100 with either my Mac at home (I've tried on
> OS 8.6 and OS 9) or my Windows NT at work. I've tried deleting the NCU
> preferences. The backup quits very early in the process -- while it is
> attempting to backup system information. (What kind of soup data would be
> corrupted at the basic level of system info?) The Messagepad runs fine --
> but I'm stuck with no backup (except for my trusty flash card). Any help,
> please?

Is it always failing there, while backing up system information? On both your
Mac and PC? Like somebody else suggested, try giving NCU more memory, but if
that doesn't help, I would suspect a corrupted entry in your system soup. Try to
run the 'doctor' section in SBM Utilities.

Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Object Factory, Substrate                       Fannie Mae
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