Re: NTLK Re: Where buy Newtons?

From: Tom Law (
Date: Wed Dec 29 1999 - 10:55:46 EST


I can think of a couple of places for parts and add ons.

SmallDog Electronics at:

and Newton OZ can be reached at:
818-781-1009 = US phone = email

These are my first places of contact. Then ebay and other web sites and
the newton newsgroups.

have fun,

On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, Jeff Knee wrote:

> I would recommend eBay, doing a search there under the category of Computers using the word "Newton." There's over 200 things for sale, last I checked. Since you are in Brazil, I would think you and a seller would have to use eBay's escrow (middleman), iEscrow.
> You wrote:
> Any body know a web site where could I find Newton, Newton parts or Adds (keyboards,
> pens, modems,...)?!
> Thanx, Al¨.

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