NTLK Misc. Items for Sale

From: Larry Baldwin (lbaldwin@igs.net)
Date: Mon Jan 03 2000 - 09:55:13 EST

I have the following items for sale, e-mail if interested;

Pretec 8 Mb Memory Card - $ 100
Model FAD 008-P
(Pretec's list @ $ 195.)

the writeStuff & merlin & WordSleuth - $ 20
(toolset for NewtWorks, spell checker
& Thesaurus)

QuickFigure Works Spreadsheet - $ 20
Windows & Mac Disks, Manuals

MoreFolders 4.1 Windows & Mac Disks - $ 15

ActionNames version 4 & Manuals - $ 25

Apple Leather Zippered Case, - $ 40
snug fit on the MP2K,
(hole cut out to accomadate access to the pen)

Apple Canvas Case (holds newton & keyboard) - $ 10
(small hold in the canvas outer shell)

Original MP2K Stylus (tip excellent) - $ 10

PDA Panache Stylus, Model M20B - $ 15
Body - paint wearing, Tip - excellent

MP2K Plastic Dummy Cards - $ 5
(slot protectors)

Keyboard ** Not Working - $ 20

all pricess US$, add $4 1st class mail with N.A.


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