Ok, I have posted two packages on my website that used to be
commercial software but are now unsupported: FirstClass Retriever+
and VideoPhone. The former's website doesn't exist anymore, and the
latter's company does not reply to emails regarding it.
FirstClass Retriever+ is a program for accessing FirstClass systems
with your Newton. It was made by Black Labs, Inc; their website is
now gone. The version I have posted is v1.13, the last release (to
my knowledge). It is the full version, not the demo.
VideoPhone is a program that allows two Newtons to share their
screens via IR, serial, or Modem. Basically, you draw on your
screen, and it appears on the other. The company, Paragon Russia,
has no mention of it on their website, and they did not reply to an
email sent by me or someone else asking about it. This is a hacked
demo, which I just found on Newton Intelligence.
I feel that the "rules" about doing this have been followed--the
companies are not responding and I have had several people asking for
these packages. I am also going to post both of these to Info-Newt.
Matt Garrison
Proud owner of 2 Apple Power Macintoshes and 2 Apple Newtons!
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it was once so alive.
Don't you regret installing
Windows 95?
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