>Modem Modifier by DMP systems allows you to Increase your modem >connect
>speeds to 56K. ...Get it at NetStrategy, home of Enroute.
Thanks for the reply!!!
I have installed the modem modifier. Do you know if it will boost a
Megahertz XJA3288 (a 28.8) modem to 56k? I will experiment with the 2 56k
modems I have.
>>3. Is Newts Cape better than the last version of NetHopper
>I was one of those that was reluctant to switch from Net Hopper/ >WebXpress
>even after giving Lunasuite and Newtscape a test run
>...Newts cape and is now totally satisfied and at home
I will give it a try. I noticed it is smaller than NetHopper, that sure is a
plus. Does it take up less Heap also?
>Hope this helps.
Thanks for taking the time to reply!
<Sent with Newton Messagepad/SimpleMail v 3.3.1d1>
Is the SImpleMail better than even the last release of Enroute? I noticed
the updated version when I went to NetStrategy.
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