Gary Moody wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Okay, first, forget about the Newton. It does not have the capability to
> select printer trays at all. GDT never built that capability into their
> printer drivers.
> On the older LaserJets, you could use the printer's internal Paper Handling
> Configuration Menu to specify the "default" tray to be used (when one wasn't
> specified - old DOS software). On most of the later model HP LaserJets, the
> printer selects paper starting at the bottom tray and working upward,
> depending on size specified. Since the LaserJets select the tray by paper
> size (most modern desktop software sends this info but the Newton doesn't),
> the only other way for this to work is to load letter-size paper into the
> bottom tray -or- to set the Tray 1 Mode=First (tray 1 is the manual feed)
> and manually feed the paper into the printer :P.
> I hope Pablo's solution works, because the above scenario are the only
> others that might.
Thanks Gary! I couldn't find the "Tray 1 Mode=First", so I decided to try the
other solution, and this one worked. It looks like when the printer (a LaserJet
5si, at least) doesn't know what to do with a print job that doesn't specify the
paper size, it will print from the bottom tray. I, however, would have expected
the default paper size that you set from JetAdmin to work, but it doesn't...
Thanks all for your help!
Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Object Factory, Substrate Fannie Mae
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