NTLK To Steve Jobs

From: kitano (kitano@tin.it)
Date: Sat Jan 08 2000 - 03:43:09 EST

This is the email I sent this morning to Steve Jobs.

Thanks to all!

Roberto Ferrucci

Hi, mr. Jobs,
                I am an Italian writer and journalist. In October
1997 I bought a Newton 2100. He changed my life. Now I can write my
articles and my reportages from everywhere only to have my Newton in
the pocket of my overcoat.
(I send you the url where you could find the reportage from Paris I
recently wrote: till the photos was sent with my Newton...
Now I want to write some articles about my work with Newton for an
Italian magazine of Apple.
Why, mister Jobs, you don't reintroduce Newton? It is foolish don't
go forward with that incredible machine. I am an "Apple fool" (I ever
own only Macintosh, now an iMac)...

Good 2000

Newton forever, Roberto Ferrucci - Venice - Italy

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