>> The best strategy I have come up with is to buy a brick of 40 AA batteries
>> for $12.99 (no brand) this usually lasts me 6 months. It seems a terrible
>> waste on the environment, but it is economical. I have also called my
>> government and found that there is a toxic waste disposal program for old
>> batteries. I buy 40 batteries every 6 months, and dump off a bucket of
>> batteries once a year. It's economically and environmentally responsible.
>It is! Amazingly so. But $12.99 for 40 is not something that u find in the
>Were talking like £2 (~$3.50) for 4, of the cheapest you can find, and they
>wont be alkaline. But hey, I have a really, really useful NiMH pack.
ok, let's say that your alkalines last for 2-3 times the charge of the NiMH
batts (is that about right Frank?). So, a pack of 40 will last through 10
sessions (4 AAs per session until they are dead). This gives you 10 sessions
for $12.99 + tax + time to go get them + gas + etc.
So this 10 sessions is equivalent to about 20-30 NiMH sessions, Let's say 25
for ease of calculation. The battery pack can be charged 300-500 times. Let's
say 400 to be in the middle. So if you divide the 400 charge life span with
the 25 NiMH equivalent per box of AAs, you get 16 boxes of AA batteries, or 640
AAs! Now, raw material alone should tell you that's not economical, but 16
boxes of AAs without tax etc $207.84.
A NiMH rechargable battery pack with AC adapter will run you around $50.
I've used the same battery pack for 2 years now and there's no sign that it's
dying yet.
-- Myq Larson / Stable Isotope Analysis \ myq@cc.usu.edu
.'.'.'.'.' \ Utah State University / 435.713.4245 (h)
Knowledge / 5305 Old Main Hill \ 435.797.0060 (w)
Liberates \ Logan UT 84322-5305 / 435.797.1575 (f)
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