On 1/12/2000 4:22 PM, Rich Lindsay [mailto:ThisOlNewt@aol.com] wrote:
><<I even sent
>an email to Anthony (the Newton Classifieds/Doctor webmaster) at
>bnet@pobox.com. No reply. Does anyone know if they are coming back online,
>or have we lost another Newton resource?
>The site was on auto pilot for a loooooooooooooooong time. anthonys
>were in other areas I am suprised it lasted as long as it did. he was happy
>to have an interesed party take over the web ring last year. I would not
>my breath regarding the sites returning. Thats my hunch.
So, do you know if he used CGI's? (I presume he did...) I think I visited
the site once or twice, so I don't remember much about it. Could you or I
take it over? I run my own server (Webstar) and it does support CGI's of
various sorts (AppleScript, Perl, probably high-level languages like C, I
think it even does Java Servelets) but I've not gotten around to setting
them up (haven't had the time.) Or if not us, perhaps we could work with
Victor Rehorst, whose site might already be using some CGI's for his
NewtonTalk archive (not sure, though.)
- Bill
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