When I bought my Newton (a Message Pad 2100), I had Now Up to Date and Now
Contact on the Windows PC I used at work and on my Mac at home. Then I
changed jobs. In my new job, I have to use Microsoft Outlook on a Windows
NT system. I haven't been able to find anything that I can use to sync the
Newton with both desktop computers. I've tried putting my appointments and
contact info into the Newton manually but I'm not reliable enough about
doing that.
Two of my colleagues have Palm organizers and are very happy with them. I'm
a little envious of the hot sync cradles but I'm mostly concerned with
being able to synchronize easily.
I just found out that I won a contest that gives me a choice of prizes: a
Palm V, a digital camera or an Amazon.com gift certificate. I love my
Newton but I think I should probably get the Palm V if I can't come up with
a good solution to my synchronization problem. I'd appreciate any
suggestions you have.
Frances Stewart
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