On 1/14/2000 1:46 AM, Robert Slotboom [mailto:rob.slotboom@buxus.nl]
>Is there any dealer on the world you know of selling used/ref Messagepads
Maybe NewtonOz. I know he has (or perhaps had) the last of the NEW eMate
300's and tries to carry used Newtons too.
Also, watch here; people occasionally post Newtons for sale. Or search
Victor Rehorst's NewtonTalk message archives to find recent posters.
Better yet, go to the newsgroup comp.sys.newton.marketplace - that's FOR
selling Newtons and Newton stuff. If you don't have a newsreader, go to
www.dejanews.com to read that newsgroup.
Also try eBay and other online auction places. eBay has used ones for
>I have a 110 but I want to program it so I'll need a 2000.
Eh? No you don't. Unless you're getting a 2x00 (get a 2100 or upgraded
2000!) so you'll have an OS 1.x machine (110) and a 2.x machine
(130,2000,2100, emate, some 120s) for testing.
- Bill
\\ /, "Ink Different" at Info-Newt, the site for Newton PDAs
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