In a message dated 1/16/00 2:38:41 PM, writes:
>'m new to newton (just bought a 2000-it's super cool) and have all the
>cables, etc., Ibelieve. However, I can't get it to 'talk'to my Powerbook.
>I'm aso relatively new to MAC (been a PC user for 15 years) so maybe it's
>just plain ignorance on my part.
>Any help would be apreciated. Also, I can't figure out where to find Newton
> just doesn't seem to be on the system....
I love chances for shameless plugs!!!!!!!
take a look at This Old Newt. We are one of the hosts of the Newton FAQ. It
is very comprehensive. Also our links page is the largest of its kind. There
are a few nice ftp sites listed there that should have what you need.
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