>However: http://www.apple.com/legal/publictmlist.html (the trademark list)
>does show Newton, NewtonMai, and NewtonSource... Maybe they do plan to
>recycle the name...
Well, the retain the trademark for many things. Basically it just means that
if you write about Newton(tm) of the past, you still have to acknowledge that
it belongs to apple. Notice how their apple II GS (tm) is still on the TM list
but also on the obsolete list? And eWorld (tm) as well!? That'll never come
back now that apple (tm) owns part of earthlink (tm)
myq (tm)
did I miss any? (tm) my official logo!
-- Myq Larson / Stable Isotope Analysis \ myq@cc.usu.edu
.'.'.'.'.' \ Utah State University / 435.713.4245 (h)
Knowledge / 5305 Old Main Hill \ 435.797.0060 (w)
Liberates \ Logan UT 84322-5305 / 435.797.1575 (f)
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