>Hello. I am looking to buy my first Newton MessagePad 2100 and was
>thinking of adding one of IBM's new compact flash storage drives (the
>170MB microdrive). However, IBM says that it will work with
>Industry-standard CF+ Type II and compatible with Personal Computer
>Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) Type II with use of an
>adapter. I don't know enough about Newton to answer this kind of
>question. Will it work?
... and IBM of course is right. It will work with notebooks and some
digital cameras but absolutely not with a Newton. And I was told a
size of more than 16 MB would take too much heap space from the
Newton, so I got myself a Pretec 16 MB Linear Flash card, and I'm
very happy with it. However, there are 6 MB Intel cards on offer for
$35, check out www.info-newt.com - I have 2 of them myself and they
work just great. There is probably no better price per MB available
And believe me, 16 MB is a lot of space, Newton packages are usually small!
Best regards,
Chris Ruprecht * chrup@earthlink.net
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