Drew Loker wrote:
> Drew said"
> >>it could be creating. Is there a version that works with 2.1?
> Bill said:
> >NewtWorks Draw ONLY work with OS2.1, i.e. on 2x00's and eMates.
> >What model Newton are you using?
> I am using 2.1 (2000->2100), with the latest system upgrade, etc. I was
> thinking maybe I have an older version. At least you settle whether I might
> have an older, buggy, non 2.1 version.
> Thanks!
> Drew
I think you might have a problem if you happen to have the "Draw" module on the
internal store, and the "Works" application on an external flash ram card. What
happens is that the "Draw" module is loaded *before* the host application
"Works", and therefore fails to make its setup. Make sure that all your "Works"
extensions are all on the same store than the "Works" application.
Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Object Factory, Substrate Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266 mailto:Laurent_Daudelin@fanniemae.com
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